Week 6 – 10/3: Attending to Tasks & Relationships

Learning Outcomes

As a result of completing this module, students will be able to:

  1. Explore how their task behavior is related to their relationship behavior and identify ways to be a more caring and task-oriented leader

Due Date Overview

Work Due Tuesday: 9/30 Due Friday: 10/3
Required Reading Chapter 5  |  Article None
Learning Activities Blog Post #5 Participation in Blog & Discussion
Assignments Mission Pillar reflection & list of evidence (Part I)

Required Reading

Learning Activities

Due Tuesday, 9/30

  • BLOG POST #5, Tasks and Relationships: Create a blog post titled “Blog Post #5 – Tasks & Relationships″ and respond to the following questions (include each question before your answer).
    • As you reflect on what has been discussed in this chapter and your own leadership style, how would you describe your own style in relation to task and relationship orientations? What are your strengths and areas you can improve?
    • Reflect on the article. What were the most interesting elements? Which did you did you agree with? Hope to learn more about?

Due Friday, 9/30

  • Participation in Blog Post: Respond to at least one of your classmate’s blog post (a link will to all blogs will be posted here). Participating through blog post discussion allows you to foster discussion, debate, and inspire new thinking. When reading your colleague’s post, be mindful. Do you agree or disagree with their assessment of the reading/perspectives? Why? Is there something your colleague missed that would help inform his/her post? Do you have questions that are unanswered after reading their post? Have we/you read another article that offers different insight into the topic? If so, how would that author feel about your classmate’s post?
  • Participation in Class Discussion:  See VoiceThread for instructions.



  • DUE FRIDAY, 10/3: Complete a draft section of your Mission Pillar reflection & list of evidence (Part I) and submit it to CI Learn.  Click here to learn more about the Mission Pillar Reflection assignment.