Learning Outcomes
As a result of completing this module, students will be able to:
- Compare and contrast the leadership styles of coaches, teachers, music directors, managers, etc. that they have had in the past
- Assess their own thoughts on the assumptions of theory x and y
- Assess their own leadership style and how this translates to future career goals
- Create an action plan for maintaining strengths and building on weaknesses
Due Date Overview
Work | Due Tuesday: 9/23 | Due Friday: 9/26 |
Required Reading | Chapter 4 | Watch Ted Talk | None |
Learning Activities | Leadership Styles Analysis Document | Class Discussion VoiceThread | Blog Post #4 | Participation in Blog & Discussion |
Assignments | Personal Statement & About Me |
Required Reading
- Northouse, P. G. (2009). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. Chapter 4
- Watch the The Puzzle of Motivation Ted Talk by Dan Pink
Learning Activities
Due Tuesday, 9/23
- Leadership Styles Analysis (GoogleDoc): Access your assigned Google Doc here (LOG IN WITH YOUR MYCI EMAIL ADDRESS) and complete the required questions:
- Class Discussion (VoiceThread): Log into our course in CI Learn, click on Voicethreads and click on the “Week 5 Discussion VoiceThread.” Follow the instructions on the VoiceThread (you will need a web cam for this activity)
- BLOG POST #4, Assumptions & Styles: Create a blog post titled “Blog Post #4 – Assumptions & Styles″ and respond to the following questions (include each question before your answer).
- As you reflect on the assumptions of Theory X and Y, how would you describe your own philosophy of leadership?
- Of the three styles of leadership, what style comes easiest for you? Describe how people respond to you when you use the style.
- One of the aspects of democratic leadership is to help subordinates take responsibility for themselves. How do you assess your own ability to help others help themselves?
- List three specific activities you could use to improve your leadership style.
Due Friday, 9/26
- Participation in Blog Post: Respond to at least one of your classmate’s blog post (a link will to all blogs will be posted here). Participating through blog post discussion allows you to foster discussion, debate, and inspire new thinking. When reading your colleague’s post, be mindful. Do you agree or disagree with their assessment of the reading/perspectives? Why? Is there something your colleague missed that would help inform his/her post? Do you have questions that are unanswered after reading their post? Have we/you read another article that offers different insight into the topic? If so, how would that author feel about your classmate’s post?
- Participation in Class Discussion: See VoiceThread for instructions.
- DUE FRIDAY, 9/26: Complete a draft section of your personal statement and about me sections of your e-portfolio (and submit it to CI Learn).
- Personal Statement: You are encouraged to locate an application essay prompt from a graduate program you hope to apply to and/or a position you hope to apply for. You should address your personal statement to the requirements of the application prompt. This is a chance for you to get feedback on your personal statement so take the opportunity to make it as great as possible! If you aren’t sure what you want to do next, just write an essay that tells the reader about yourself, your experiences and your future goals.
- About Me: Let this section of your e-portfolio tell the readers about you – what you enjoy, what you value, etc. Remember, it is a professional portfolio so put consideration into what personal aspects of yourself that you share.