Each student will facilitate a learning module that a group high school students (who are also learning about leadership) will participate in. The module will take place online (with a potential face-to-face lesson based on student interest and high school student availability) and will be assessed by the high school students, high school teacher and the professor.
To create this module, all students will submit ideas for the focus of the lesson (drawing in some aspect of leadership covered in the course) and the class will select one idea to be the focus of the module. After the module focus is identified, the class will be assigned responsibilities for creating the learning module. Each student will facilitate the module with a small group of high school students.
- Lesson Plan Part 1 – title, description and objectives of lesson (due 10/17) — submit your lesson plan proposal here (you need to log in to GoogleDocs with your @myci.csuci.edu email address)
- Lesson Plan Part 2 – view the submissions provided by your peers and insert a comment next to each student’s submission and list the digital tools/strategies that could be used to teach each objective. Also, indicating which idea you like the best. The class will then finalize the process for preparing the module during the face-to-face session scheduled for 10/31 (due 10/31).
- Module Draft – students will be assigned some aspect of the module to create and set up (due 11/7)
- Facilitate Leadership Learning Module – over the course of a week, students will be responsible for facilitating the class module with a small group of high school students (week of 11/17-11/21).